Note that the answer will differ based on the version of Blurred Minds Academy that you are using.
Select which method your students use to log in.
Check to that you have added them to your group on the Student manager page. Here’s how you can check:
- Log into Blurred Minds Academy.
- Go to the Student manager page.
- Check to see if the student’s email can be found in the table of students.
- If they can’t be found, then add them to your group and they will receive their welcome email with instructions on how to register and log in.
- If you found them in the list, then continue reading.
Ask if the student has received their welcome email to Blurred Minds Academy. This email will include an enrolment key that students use to register their account that looks like “a1AbCcdD”.
- If they say they never received their welcome email/enrolment key, see this FAQ “My student didn’t receive their email/enrolment key. What do I do?” for more information.
- If they received their welcome email, but haven’t yet registered, you can direct them to do so by indicating to them to click on the register link in the top menu bar of the website and use the enrolment key sent to them via email.
- If they have registered, they may have forgotten their password. You can direct them to click on the “Forgot your password?” link underneath the login form or send them a password reset email using your Student manager.
If you still have an issue, please contact us and describe the issue you are having.
Check to see that you have added their MIS ID to your group on the Student manager page. Here’s how you can check:
- Log into Blurred Minds Academy.
- Go to the Student manager page.
- Check to see if the student’s MIS ID can be found in the table.
- If it can’t be found, then add them to your group.
- If their MIS ID is in the List of Students table and the student is entering it properly when trying to log in as a Student, then let us know.
If you still have an issue, please contact us and describe the issue you are having.